Boys & Girls Club of Niagara, September, 23, 2011. View acknowledgement letter…
Author: administrative
Order of Sons of Italy of Canada
March of Dimes Canada
Passionate About Pig

(January 07, 2011 | Scarpetta Magazine article), “It was only later as a restauranter and owner of a catering business in Niagara Falls that he realized the value of quality charcuterie. Now as a local purveyor traditional Italian cured meats with his company Niagara Food Specialties, Mario Pingue focusses his attention on the artisan quality of the product he crafts.” Read the article…
L.C.B.O. Food & Drink

(August 20, 2010 | Food & Drink article), “Their father used to cure prosciutto as a hobby but when Fernando Pingue and his brother Mario Jr. decided to go into the prosciutto business full time they knew what they had to do.. Read the article…